2003 Annual Report
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Poultry Processing and Meat Quality Research Unit
Increased microbial safety and
shelf life of processed poultry with less environmental concerns
was demonstrated through research under a Trust agreement
with a Pilgrim's Pride Poultry, a large poultry integrator
and Mionix Corporation, a small business chemical company.
Research conducted by the Poultry Processing and Meat Quality
Research Unit, Athens, Georgia on a low pH GRAS solution of
acidic calcium sulfate was evaluated as an intervention spray
in an inside/outside wash prior to chilling as well as a post
chill spray treatment. The pathogens Salmonella, E. coli,
Campylobacter and Listeria were reduced by a minimum of 99%
on all carcasses using the pre-chill spray and shelf life
was increased by 3 days when used as a post-chill spray. Data
from the research, in part, was responsible for the new chemical
being approved by FSIS for pre-chill treatment of poultry
and subsequently being granted full USDA permit for use on
all meat and poultry and is considered one of the prominent
solutions for the ready to eat (RTE) industry allowing processors
to qualify for the lowest risk category identified in the
recent Listeria on RTE ruling by FSIS.
2002 Annual Report
USDA Agricultural Research Service
Poultry Processing and Meat Quality Research Unit
A highly acidic Generally Recognized
as Safe (GRAS) compound was shown to lower counts of Salmonella,
E coli, and Campylobacter, and increase shelf life of poultry
and poultry products. This research was done in cooperation
with Mionix company and Pilgrim's Pride Poultry. The highly
acidic calcium sulfate solution demonstrated the ability to
reduce pathogens equivalent to Tri-sodium Phosphate (TSP)
and also increase the shelf life of carcasses and due in part
to this research the product has been approved by Food Safety
Inspection Service (FSIS) as an in-plant, pre-chill treatment
for broiler carcasses. Ongoing commercial test this year should
demonstrate that this product will deliver a microbiologically
safer product to the consumer with less environmental impact.
is chosen as one of 50 charter SARTA Tech Index companies.
developed and released its inaugural Technology Index - a
compilation of 44 leading technology companies and their aggregate
economic, geographic and industry data. The Index includes
both public and private technology companies headquartered
in the eight-county greater Sacramento region.
as the S&P 500 acts as a bellwether for corporate America,
the SARTA Technology Index is a barometer of technology companies
in the greater Sacramento region and their performance.